2010年9月24日 星期五 农历庚寅年八月十七
陶城报社出版 逢周五出版 这期是 第922期
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Qiu Ziliang:After-sale service of ink is of vital importance(邱子良:墨水的售后服务至

Qiu Ziliang, Imola(Hong Kong)Distribution Ltd 邱子良 香港意摩拉贸易有限公司总经理


  The main problem in ceramic inkjet printing is the after-sale service, not only in after-sale service of the machine, but also the ink.

  The service problem comes next after machine is installed. The service of ink concerns the fineness, color, quantity and degree of color development (dark or light) of ink and then comes the pattern service. For instance, you provide several patterns to users for reference and selection, or send free of charge some variety of designs, after the user make its selection, the technician of ink company will stay on the plant to assist the company in tuning the required color. Although the company will also send its relevant technicians for study, ink is after all a software keeping changing and new problems will occur.

  Take simple ceramic wall tile as an example, it presently has three basic overglazed decoration effects, one is the mill finish transparent glaze, the second is floated milky glaze and the last one is the matt glaze. On the surface of these three different overglazed decoration effects, for same pattern, same color plotted by ink jet printer and fired in the same time, the resulted color and effect will be somewhat different, because their base are different. Moreover, other factors such as temperature change in kiln and alteration of glaze supplier (selection of transparent glaze supplier with lower price) will affect the color effect of the finished products.

  INTESA will put on a new design of jet head product in Rimini Exhibition this October. The new design of jet head put on by INTESA for use on this type of machine can directly spray the printing ink prepared on roller printing machine, that is to say the commonly used color glaze on the market can be sprayed by it, so the cost can be greatly lowered.


  机器安装好后,接着就是墨水的服务问题。 墨水的服务牵涉到墨水的细度、颜色数量多少、发色程度(深或浅),然后就是图案服务。 比如提供一些图案供客户参考、选择,或者提供几幅免费赠送的花色,客户选定后,墨水公司的技术人员就会留在工厂帮企业调试出所需要的颜色。虽然期间企业也会派相应的技术人员来学习,但墨水是一个软件,跟硬件是有差别的,随时随地都在变化,都会产生新问题。



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