2010年9月24日 星期五 农历庚寅年八月十七
陶城报社出版 逢周五出版 这期是 第922期
E-mail:info@fstcb.com 广告热线:0757-82270095 订报热线:0757-82665959 编辑部:0757-82276288

Tecnargilla and IED spotlight the ceramics of the future(Tecnargilla及IED聚焦陶瓷行业的明

  Environmental awareness and renewable energy will be the guiding theme of the IED LAB exhibit at Tecnargilla 2010. As usual, the world’s biggest trade fair of supplies for the ceramics and brick industry will be showcasing design concepts from students at the European Institute of Design (IED) in Milan. The projects displayed at the fair have been created by third-year students from around the world who are enrolled in the Industrial Design course, and were the subject of a normal academic exam, as an additional guarantee of their quality.The designs all revolve around the innovative use of ceramics: porous, extruded, bio, recycled, and combined ceramics, used alone or with other materials.

  Under the guidance of Professor Raoul Schoumaker, an artist, lecturer, teacher, and industrial designer specialized in product/project management, the young designers worked to develop objects that would meet urban needs, conceiving both mobile and structural elements, with indoor and outdoor architectural components. This vast field of investigation served to focus attention on new applications and production methods.

  The exhibit includes environmentally-conscious objects aimed at employing renewable energy, with examples including the “Ripple”fountain, a grass roofing system, and radiant flooring. The students also explored the application of ceramics to road design, coming up with innovative methods for creating prefabricated, modular noise barriers that are extremely resistant to wear and tear and to vandalism: attractive elements that add beauty rather than dreariness to their surroundings. The concepts for street furniture range from drinking fountains to road dividers, as well as wind-powered heating systems and restful oases for city dwellers, and show a keen focus on the hygienic aspects of public spaces and the importance of privacy, with partitions for homes, offices, and shops.


  在Raoul Schoumaker(艺术家、讲师、教师、专门从事产品/项目管理的工业设计师)的引导下,年轻的设计师们努力开发出能够满足都市需求的物品,并在设计中融入了移动元素及结构元素,结合了室内及室外的建筑构件。这个庞大的探索领域使人们将目光聚焦于新的运用和生产方法之上。


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